Selling Boat Customer

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Vessel information:

Listing Period:
Broker’s exclusive right to sell, exchange, trade or leaseoption the Vessel shall commence on and end at 11:59 p.m. on (the “Listing Period”)

Compensation to Broker:
Seller shall pay Broker as compensation for services (irrespective of agency relationships) a commission of % ( ) of the initial gross asking price, or, if a purchase agreement is entered into, of the Vessel purchase price, or a commission in the amount stated in Paragraph 24 below. The commission shall be calculated as a percentage of the purchase price initially agreed to between the Seller and the buyer of the Vessel, without regard to any adjustments or allowances subsequently agreed to by the parties.

Boat Location:

I authorise the broker to make a copy of the key and put it in a lock box on the boat.
Instructions for Showing:

Other (Lender information, Personal effects, etc.):

Additional information:

Yes      No

Is there a loan on the boat?         
Has the boat ever run aground?         
Has the boat ever taken on water?         
Has the boat ever sunk?         
Have the engines been rebuilt?         
Has there been any damage to the running gear?         
Has the boat ever been in a collision?         
Has there ever been a fire on board?         
Have there been repetitive repairs of the same parts?         
Has the boat ever been to Mexico?         

Upload any picture:

Engine hours?        hrs
Port starboard?      hrs
Generator?              hrs